Lactobacillus reuteri benefits

13 Worth It Lactobacillus reuteri Benefits for Your Gut Health

From the day we are born, Lactobacillus reuteri benefits our gut immensely. What’s more, l. reuteri benefits have advantageous effects on a wholesome immune system, making it an indispensable ally. Discover how life-changing this Lactobacillus reuteri can be!

Lactobacillus reuteri benefits

L reuteri is a type of probiotic belonging to the Limosilactobacillus and Lactobacillus families (Zheng, 2020). It has numerous health benefits that make it an ideal supplement for improving gut health. L reuteri is a probiotic superstar! It’s one of the earliest inhabitants in your gut and its presence can drastically reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

If you’re like me, you are probably curious if this microorganism is present in your own gut.

Read more about 13 worth it ways lactobacillus reuteri benefits your gut health!

Gut Healthy Micro Superstars featured in this post

Lactobacillus reuteri benefits our gut health in our first days of life. It is found in a mother’s breastmilk and our microbiome.

If you’ve read my post on Bifidobacterium bifidum, this may sound familiar. While both are probiotics, L reuteri can be found in certain types of carbohydrates including yams, beans, and artichokes (Walter & Haqq, 2020).

L reuteri

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13 Lactobacillus reuteri Benefits For You

Probiotics are live microorganisms–generally bacteria and/or yeast…The theory with probiotics is that they mimic the effects on our intact microbiota. In other words, just like our healthy gut microbes, these probiotics should optimize our immune system, reduce inflammation, inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria, correct leaky gut and restore gut barrier integrity, reestablish intestinal motility, and even improve mood.

Busiewicz, 2020, p. 141

1. Lactobacillus reuteri is considered a probiotic because when you eat it, it brings positive effects to your health.

Visualize probiotic status as a grand prize ring, with contenders facing multiple tests. Only the healthiest microorganisms can prove their strength and ability to endure the journey.

Enduring the digestive system and fighting stomach acids is no easy feat (Montalban-Arques et al., 2015). Probiotics could not lead to antibiotic resistance (Montalban-Arques et al., 2015), more importantly, they should deliver tangible health benefits!

2. L. reuteri Will Boost Your Immunities

Taking a probiotic supplement such as lactobacillus reuteri will effectively support your body’s defenses and improve your immunity. There is a probiotic bacterium called Lactobacillus reuteri or scientifically known as Limosilactobacillus reuteri. Even though it sounds like you’re reading a dictionary, it’s definitely worth remembering that name!

Looking for a Lactobacillus reuteri supplement?

Looking for l reuteri probiotic benefits? Lactobacillus reuteri dsm 17938 benefits your gut health and can support a healthy immune system! You can find a lactobacillus reuteri supplement here on Amazon and have it delivered right to your door!

If you are looking for information on how to read probiotic supplement bottles and understand exactly what the heck is inside, you are not alone! You can read Dr. Will Bulsiewicz’s probiotic guide for more details on how to read probiotic supplement bottles here!

If you are looking for a quick how to start eating healthy jumpstart, check out my post on 15 easy ways to feel better while also living in the real world here!

Or, continue scrolling to learn how lactobacillus reuteri benefits you and your family.

Health Experts Agree that Lactobacillus reuteri Benefits are Essential for a Strong Immune System and Digestive System

The issue we are facing is an alarming decrease in the presence of L reuteri in our digestive system!

Dr. Kait

Unfortunately, the average American is experiencing a RAPID DEPLETION of L reuteri strains. WHY?

  • Choose processed foods over whole, real foods
  • Excessively sanitize our homes, schools, and workspaces killing germs and our natural bodies defenses to these germs
  • Take antibiotics regularly
  • Spend less time outdoors

L reuteri is a timeless, ancient pro-biotic strain that has been naturally evolving over millions of years to support human gut health. It’s a remarkable immune-booster!

l reuteri foods

3. Lactobacillus reuteri Can Help Your Baby Digest Milk

It is a powerful micro-organism that works wonders for infant digestion and virtually offers the similar and complementary health benefits to adults as Bifidobacterium bifidum.

4. Reuteri Benefits Take on the Bad Bacteria in Your Gut Making You Healthier and Happier

Over the last couple of years, we have been taking extreme measures to disinfect and sanitize our food and our environment. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if something could do the same thing inside our bodies?

Lactobacillus reuteri is quite a powerful probiotic as it produces antimicrobial molecules. In simpler terms, it helps to keep our guts clean by getting rid of any harmful bacteria and creating a favorable environment for the beneficial microorganisms to thrive.

Dr. Kait

5. L reuteri is a Natural Antimicrobial Sanitizer

Lactobacillus reuteri is a powerful antimicrobial, containing the powerful enzyme reuterin which also has antiseptic capabilities (Talarico et al., 1988;Talarico & Dobrogrosz, 1989Jones & Versalovic, 2009Greifova et al., 2017). Just like we use anti-bacterial sprays to maintain cleanliness in our homes, L reuteri has the same effect on our guts – it can clean, rebalance and provide overall health benefits through the production of reuterin, ethanol and other organic acids.

6. Has Potential to Kill Bad Bacteria

Lactobacillus reuteri has the potential to eradicate destructive bacteria and make our lives healthier.

7. Can Destroy Fungus like Candida

Have you heard of Candida before? It’s a fungal infection that is caused by yeast. It can be found in your vagina, mouth, throat, esophagus and even on your skin. Although it can be treated with medication, there is a high chance of it becoming resistant and more difficult to treat over time.

Candida auris is an emerging multidrug-resistant type of Candida that presents a serious global health threat, including in the United States. It can cause severe infections and spreads easily in healthcare facilities.”

Center for Disease Control

Lactobacillus reuteri has been found to be anti-fungal and reduce several strains of Candida. Utilizing a lactobacillus reuteri supplement method could enable anti-fungal treatments with minimal likelihood of developing further resistance to medications (Jorgensen et al., 2017).

8. Can Fight Infection

Lactobacillus reuteri can do more than just restore the balance of a healthy gut; it is also capable of fighting infections. Thanks to this super power, it has become an invaluable ally against various health issues.

For example, H. pylori is an unpleasant infection that may originate from bacteria in the stomach (Mayo Clinic). This can cause inflammation inside your stomach, ulcers and even stomach cancer in extreme cases.

Lactobacillus reuteri Benefits and Side Effects Include Fighting Infections Such As H. pylori, E. coli, and Salmonella

Clinical research has revealed that Lactobacillus reuteri benefits include being capable of reducing the presence of H. pylori, E. coli, C. difficile, and Salmonella in the body – significantly improving overall health and wellbeing (Reid & Burton, 2002Francheschi et al., 2007Lesbros-Pantoflickova et al., 2007Cherian et al., 2015Genis et al., 2017).

reuteri probiotic benefits
We ordered this gorgeous grilled artichoke plate from Giada’s at the Cromwell in Las Vegas! Grilled artichokes are delicious and a fantastic source of Lactobacillus reuteri! Proving there are eat out healthy options!

L. reuteri Benefits Can Reduce Circovirus Symptoms

Doctors have discovered that reuteri benefits can support in reducing the symptoms of circoviruses (Karaffova et al., 2017) and coxsackieviruses, also known as Hand Foot Mouth Disease (Ang et al., 2016). Recent research suggests that the benefits of Lactobacillus reuteri include antiviral properties, eliminating the pathogens while allowing friendly bacteria to regain a foothold and combat the infection (Ang et al., 2016).

l reuteri yogurt benefits
There are a ton of B12 vitamins in salmon! We ordered this healthy lunch at Saddelle’s in the Bellagio Hotel and Casino while in Las Vegas! You CAN eat out healthy!

9. Combats Inflammation

Inflammation is a major problem that can severely affect your life quality. It can even steal away your energy. Taking the necessary steps to reduce inflammation is essential in improving overall wellbeing!

Constantly persisting inflammation can give rise to various life-threatening medical conditions such as heart diseases, arthritis, depression, Alzheimer’s and cancer (Ricciotti & Golen, 2020).

Inflammation is often the root cause of many problems and can seriously hamper your life quality. It can sap away your energy and is linked to feelings of depression, stress and obesity.

Dr. Kait

Doctors Have Found that Supplementing with L reuteri May Prevent Against Inflammation

We can benefit immensely when we consume probiotics like Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Bifidobacterium bifidum through NATURAL WHOLE FOODS. Try adding them as part of your regular meals – think sweet potatoes, yum! Looking for other ideas on gut healthy recipes? Check out Kait’s Cupboard gut healing recipes here!

Still looking for a probiotic supplement? Find one here and get it delivered right to your door!

Back to Fighting Off Inflammation

Recent studies have found that L reuteri can help reduce the inflammatory cytokines which are responsible for our body’s immune responses. This makes it an invaluable asset in aiding our fight against diseases. (Mu et al., 2018). But often, our food isn’t helping us get the necessary Lactobacillus reuteri benefits we need!

Unfortunately, as our food has become more processed over the last several decades, we have less L reuteri in our guts, and more incidence of inflammatory diseases.

Dr. Kait

10. Strengthens the Barrier in Your Gut Between the Bad Stuff and the Good Stuff

Our digestive system’s barrier maintains a balance in our microbiome, letting the beneficial bacteria pass through and successfully blocking out the harmful ones. You may have read about Lactobacillus rhamnosus that explains the intricate relationship between your intestinal barrier and its effects.

It has been scientifically discovered that L reuteri is a potential solution for halting the spread of bacteria from our intestines (gut lumen) to other parts of our bodies.

Dr. Kait

This is critically important! When bad bacteria surpass the intestinal barrier, they can cause inflammation  (Mu et al., 2018). Lactobacillus reuteri attaches itself to the gut barrier (intestinal epithelium) and not only strengthens it but also increases its probiotic properties (Navarro et al., 2017Olson et al., 2016Salas-Jara et al., 2016).

Research has shown that L reuteri can be beneficial in reducing inflammation and improving gut health. This, in turn, promotes a healthy digestive system which not only prevents inflammation but also enhances overall well-being.

Dr. Kait

11. Serious Lactobacillus reuteri Skin Benefits

Research conducted on children with atopic dermatitis, a chronic skin condition that is often referred to as eczema, showed a connection between weakened immunity and poor intestinal wall composition. Improving intestinal wall structure can make an incredible difference in these cases (De Benedetto et al., 2010).

Children with eczema were largely found to have a permeable intestinal wall, contributing to inflammation.

De Benedetto et al., 2010

12. Important Lactobacillus reuteri Uses for Women

If L reuteri were a politician, it would run on a platform for women’s health and the well-being of children. The presence of Lactobacillus reuteri in healthy vaginas has enabled it to effectively fight bacterial vaginosis, thrush and cystitis (Keown, 2015).

Dr. David Fredricks has highlighted the importance of L reuteri and Lactobacillus rhamnosus in maintaining balance and promoting women’s vaginal health. These particular bacteria have a vital role to play in ensuring good health.

“I would say, if I was going to pick one probiotic intervention that we actually have scientific evidence to suggest that it actually has some benefit, it would be Lactobacillus reuteri with Lactobacillus rhamnosus,” he said, although he noted that larger randomized, controlled trials are needed to confirm this benefit.

Dr. Fredricks,  physician-researcher at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

13. Reuteri Probiotic Benefits for Babies Every Mother Should Know

Our youngest children also have shown benefit from supplementation with L reuteri (Garcia-Rodenas et al., 2016).

Lactobacillus reuteri Supporting Babies Delivered by C-Section

Doctors conducted research to improve the immunity and microbiome of C-section babies. Why? C-section babies are known to have increased risk for allergies, type 1 diabetes, and a weaker immune system.

L reuteri probiotic benefits were provided to infants from two weeks up to four months of age as a part of this study.

Amazingly, supplementing formula with Lactobacillus reuteri created a drastic transformation in the microbiota of infants to be more similar to that of a baby born vaginally.

Dr. Kait

Amazingly, supplementing formula with Lactobacillus reuteri created a drastic transformation in the microbiota of infants to be more similar to that of a baby born vaginally (Garcia-Rodenas et al., 2016). Specifically, the microbiome of these individuals was much more expansive and robust (Garcia-Rodenas et al., 2016).

Is an L reuteri Probiotic a Vitamin?

Lactobacillus reuteri is an incredible source of B12 and Folate vitamins, meaning you can get your daily dose without having to resort to chalky supplements. Incredible, right?!

Lactobacillus reuteri Provides a Hefty Dose of Vitamin B12

Scientists have discovered that four strains of L reuteri can produce Vitamin B12, which is essential for our bodies (Taranto et al., 2003; Gu et al., 2015).

You can’t overlook the importance of B12 in your day-to-day life. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, it supports red blood cell formation and DNA synthesis. Above all, it helps our brain and nerve cells function optimally (The Nutrition Source, Harvard School of Public Health). Without a doubt, a vitamin like B12 is an absolute necessity!

B12 is Vital to a Healthy You

It is best to obtain B12 through dietary sources as it can be absorbed more easily. Sure, supplements can be taken but they are not as effective due to various absorption issues (The Nutrition Source, Harvard School of Public Health).

If you are looking for a B12 supplement you can find a good one here.

Just also incorporate gut healthy foods to round out how you get B12 into your body regularly. Try starting with recipes that contain Vitamin B-rich foods like Air Fried Lemon Dijon Salmon (at the end of this post) and Baked Potatoes or Asian-style Air Fryer Salmon. I’ve added plenty of gut healthy recipes on Kait’s Cupboard that are filled with B12 and other gut healthy micro superstars!

lactobacillus reuteri benefits and side effects

Lactobacillus reuteri Foods to Support a Healthy You!

Incorporating Lactobacillus reuteri into your daily diet is extremely beneficial for your gut health and overall well-being. Even if you eat a gut healthy diet everyday, the body is constantly purging bacteria. So, eating a regular intake of L reuteri benefits you immensely!

Keep on experimenting! Cook up tasty dishes including Instant Pot Northern Beans, Garlic Hummus, Refried Beans, or Roasted Veggies with a hearty Almond Bean Dip!

This post was all about L reuteri benefits! Post a comment below and if you like this blog, share it with a friend or follow me on Pinterest and Instagram!

Lactobacillus reuteri benefits

Air Fryer Salmon Marinade

Delicious and gut health air fryer salmon marinade! L reuteri foods like salmon support a healthy you!
Course Main Course
Cuisine American, Mediterranean, Vegetarian
Servings 4
Calories 252 kcal


  • 1 Air Fryer this can also work on a grill or in the oven


Air Fryer Salmon Marinade
  • 1 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1 sprinkle ground ginger
  • 1 tbsp honey raw
  • 1 tbsp lemon garlic tessemae dressing
  • salt to taste
  • ground pepper to taste
  • 1/2 tbsp tamari sauce
  • 1 tbsp Dijon whole grain mustard
  • 1.5 lbs salmon wild caught


Make the Air Fryer Salmon Marinade

  • In a bowl, mix onion powder, garlic powder, ginger, honey, lemon garlic Tessemae dressing, salt, and pepper.
    1 tsp onion powder, 1 tsp garlic powder, 1 sprinkle ground ginger, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp lemon garlic tessemae dressing, salt, ground pepper
  • Add tamari sauce and Dijon whole grain mustard. Combine
    1/2 tbsp tamari sauce, 1 tbsp Dijon whole grain mustard

Place Salmon on a Baking Sheet

  • Spread marinade on the salmon. Ground pepper over the top.
    1.5 lbs salmon

Air Fry

  • Air fry at 350 degrees F for 14-18 min. This will create a perfect toasty finish on top of the salmon while keeping the inside moist.



You’ll know the salmon is done when you see the little white fat coming out of the edges.


Calories: 252kcalCarbohydrates: 2gProtein: 34gFat: 11gSaturated Fat: 2gPolyunsaturated Fat: 4gMonounsaturated Fat: 4gCholesterol: 94mgSodium: 243mgPotassium: 869mgFiber: 0.4gSugar: 0.4gVitamin A: 73IUVitamin C: 1mgCalcium: 26mgIron: 2mg
Keywords air fried, air fry, air fryer, grill, salmon
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

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