kale health benefits and side effects

9 Insanely Good Kale Health Benefits and Side Effects That Will Make Your Skin Glow

There are so many insanely good kale health benefits and side effects it’s no wonder there is so much hype around healthy kale additives!

kale health benefits and side effects

There are so many kale health benefits that it really requires it’s own post! Kale is a powerhouse vegetable amongst other leafy greens that can be thrown into a lot of different dishes and supports gut health.

This post is all all about kale health benefits and side effects!

Healthy Micro Superstars Featured in Kale Nutritional Value
kale nutritional value

Kale Nutritional Value Scores Top in Class in Nutrient Indices

Doctors have identified the healthiest foods with the greatest amount of nutrients per calorie. We can calculate this by nutrients divided by calories (Bulsiewicz, 2020). Kale gets a perfect score! 

kale nutritional value
Kale is high in nutrients including antioxidants and beta carotene protecting your eyes and overall health.
  • 1. Kale contains an omega-3 fatty acid called alpha linolenic acid. Healthy fatty acids are help keep your skin moisturized and fight red, dry, itchy skin! Who knew you could get healthy fat from your plants?!

For more information on omega-3 fatty acids behind kale’s health benefits and side effects, check out Gunnars, 2018.

benefits of kale leaves

The Benefits of Kale Leaves is Good for Your Eyes, Your Skin, and Your Overall Health 1300

  • 2. Kale is full of antioxidants including beta-carotene, lutein, vitamin C, and kaempferol all which support your skin health!

Kale is full of antioxidants including beta-carotene, lutein, vitamin C, and kaempferol (Sikora & Bodziarczyk, 2012). Beta-carotene and lutein support your eye health while vitamin C and other flavonoids can increase skin cell turn over leaving you with a more youthful glow. Vitamin C is popular in skin creams for this exact reason, including my favorite, Drunk Elephant Vitamin C serum. In fact, kale is so rich in vitamin C, one cup provides more vitamin C than an entire orange (Nutrition Data, 2022)!

Kale is a plant-based source of iron…The vitamin C from a lemon cranks up iron absorption and allows you to get what you need from a non-heart disease/colon cancer/diabetes-inducing source, meaning a plant.

Bulsiewicz, 2020, p. 82
healthy kale
  • 3. Antioxidants do not only keep your skin looking fresh, they also can help prevent disease including cancer. While other superhero components of kale may help decrease your cholesterol and risk for heart disease.

For more information on how kale can decrease your risks for certain cancers, check out (Rajendran, 2014). Or, if you would like to read more about how kale’s health benefits and side effects can decrease your cholesterol levels and risk for heart disease, check out (Kahlon et al., 2007).

kale health benefits

How Might Kale Vitamins and Benefits Reduce Your Cholesterol?

First of all, kale is rich in potassium. Maintaining the correct levels of potassium in your body is related to lower blood pressure and less risk for heart disease (D’Elia et al., 2011). As my husband Dr. Jeff says,

It all boils down to your sodium potassium pump and the correct levels of potassium and sodium. Too high or too low can potentially kill you.

Dr. Jeff aka Kait’s Husband
  • 4. Kale can absorb bile acid, keeping bad fats OUT of your blood stream. This helps your body focus on the things that matter like regenerating that baby soft skin!

Kale can absorb bile acid and help keep bad fats out of your blood stream. Your liver turns cholesterol into bile acids. When you eat a meal high in fat it releases these acids into your digestive system. When the fat has been absorbed, biles acids are reabsorbed into your bloodstream for later use. If there is a lot of left over bile acid, cholesterol increases (Kahlon, 2007). 

Kale can trap bile acid by binding it in your digestive system rather than being reabsorbed into the blood stream. Imagine kale as a pac-man eating all the bad extra bile before it escapes. Keeping bile acid out, kale lowers your total cholesterol (Kahlon et al., 2007). And, as cholesterol decreases so does the risk of heart disease (Kahlon, 2007). 

kale vitamins and benefits

Kale Health Benefits Include…

  • 5. An Excellent Source for a TON of Vitamins that You and Your Skin Will Love

Kale Helps Your Blood Clot

Kale contains a large amount of vitamin K. Vitamin K is super important because it helps our body clot blood. One cup of raw kale will provide nearly 7 times the daily amount of vitamin K our bodies need (Gunnar, 2018)!

  • 6. Kale Benefits for Skin Include Beta-Carotene

Among kale health benefits is it’s ability to help your body produce Vitamin A. Beta-Carotene is an antioxidant that becomes vitamin A when it is consumed (Biesalski et al., 2007).

For those people with vitamin A deficiencies, doctors have considered therapy by supplementing beta-carotene in their diets. Vitamin A is very important to our bodies supporting our vision, growth, fertility, immune system, and skin (Mayo Clinic, 2022)!

Kale Health Benefits and Side Effects Mean Protection for Your Eyes

Did your mom tell you to eat your carrots? All mom’s know carrots are important for your eye health. While carrots are a good source for vitamin A, there are other nutrients that can support your eye health including lutein and zeaxanthin.

  • 7. Kale Healthy Antioxidants Including Lutein and Zeaxanthin Support Skin Regeneration!

Kale health benefits and side effects include lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that reduce eye degeneration and cataracts (Delcourt et al., 2006; Gale et al., 2003). So, next time you’re roasting carrots, consider a kale side salad!

Kale Health Benefits and Side Effects Support Bone Health

Kale is a strong source of calcium from a plant protein. In fact, in one study calcium from kale was absorbed more than calcium from milk (Heaney & Weaver, 1990). Calcium helps keep your bones strong and healthy.

  • 8. The calcium in kale is a micronutrient that helps keep your skin moisturized and looking healthy!

Kale Protects Against Heart Disease and Type II Diabetes

Kale is high in magnesium, a protective mineral against heart disease and Type II Diabetes (DiNicolantonio et. al, 2018).

best way to eat kale for nutrients

Kale Health Benefits and Side Effects May Support Weight Loss

Kale is low in calories and high in water. Similar to cucumbers, which I posted about in Cucumbers Keep You Hydrated And Healthy, several studies have shown when you eat foods high in nutrients and low in calories you have a greater likelihood to lose weight (Rolls et al., 2005). No surprise there! Kale also provides protein and fiber both of which can support healthy weight loss (Bulsiewicz, 2020).

  • 9. Kale is high in water which is fantastic for your skin. More hydrated skin gives you a naturally youthful glow!

Looking for Some Kale Healthy Recipes?

Check out the recipes below for great ideas to get more kale health benefits into your diet.

kale healthy

Quick Chicken Salad with Kale and Cashews

On hot summer days, who doesn’t love a chicken salad? Better yet, it requires ZERO cooking. With lemon, whole grain mustard, fresh kale, and cashews, this chicken salad includes lots of good for you ingredients that will leave you happily full without the bloat.

kale health

What Makes this Chicken Salad Worth Making?

First, this recipe uses Greek yogurt instead of mayo cutting down the calories and incorporating a healthy source of bifidobacterium bifidum. Second, this recipe includes kale, a powerhouse amongst other leafy greens.

kale extract benefits

5 Secrets to Insanely Good Roasted Brussel Sprout Salad

Finding a good roasted Brussel sprout salad is a must do! This marinated Brussel sprout salad caramelizes on the grill AND double duties as a delicious lunch for the next day!

Brussel sprouts are not only good for you and your gut, they are SO GOOD! You might think of the steamed Brussel sprouts that many of us grew up eating and attempting to avoid. But, roasted Brussel sprouts have gotten a facelift and can be found on menus across the country!! Check out what everyone is loving about this roasted brussel sprout salad!

kale juice benefits and side effects

13 Epic Ingredients for Hummus Pizza on the Grill

Hummus pizza is a summer favorite! Throw it on the grill and you’ll get the crisp taste of wood fired pizza with savory VEGAN toppings.

This hummus pizza combines 13 epic ingredients to make ONE AMAZING GRILLED PIZZA. With teenagers, I’m frequently looking for ways to get them involved, and this works every time. It’s fast, fun, and delivers gut healthy ingredients to boot.

kale healthy smoothie

What’s Special About Hummus Pizza?

This pizza combines 13 superstar gut healthy ingredients that come together to taste delicious and provide serious benefits to your health including: 

  • a better immune system, 
  • better digestion, 
  • increased heart health
  • reduced risk of cancer and chronic disease

Is Kale Healthy or Not?

Healthy! Kale Scores Top of the Bunch Amongst Leafy Greens

With a significant number of vitamins, protein, iron, and an undercover ability to trap fatty bile acid that is left over after that (ahem) impromptu McDonalds visit, kale health benefits and side effects place it high on the ingredients to include on your grocery list. For more ideas, search kale on Kait’s Cupboard!

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    1. I’m glad you liked the article! I agree, and kale is super easy to grow. The picture is from our backyard, and I basically do nothing other than occasionally water it.